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DUBBI E DOMANDE... AIUTIAMOCI... FORUM - 86148871499 Larryfeave (Invitato)
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Выходит неисправность w143 на преобразователе M700-06400470A. Похожие устройства ATS22C41S6U, 3G3PV-B413K, FR-A840-00023-1 на компрессорах без неисправностей.
Расшифровку нашел в поисковике по запросу "attiny1614, attiny1616, attiny1617" http://prom-electric.ru/media/attiny1614-attiny1616-attiny-1617.pdf . Неиcправен был транзисторный ключ.
Всего хорошего! | | | | MichaelBealm (Invitato)
| | Вечер добрый!
Светится error w63 на приводе M810-07200610A. Похожие устройства ATV71EXS5C40N4, CIMR-VC4A0005BAA-1000, VFD450C43A на компрессорах в порядке.
Значение нашел через yandex по запросу "Ремонт частотного преобразователя Altivar ATV61 Plus atv61exc5c50n" prom-electric.ru/articles/1/661/ . Поменял датчик тока.
Всего доброго! | | | | Deltarwtyqy (Invitato)
| | Привет всем!
Выходит ошибка er121 на преобразователе частоты M600-09402000A. Аналогичные устройства ATV71EXC2C25Y, CIMR MR5N 2018, CIMR-V7CC45P51 установленные на компрессорах в порядке.
Направление нашел через майлру по запросу "Ремонт частотного преобразователя Delta VFD004E23A" prom-electric.ru/articles/1/77/ . Оказалось сгорел токовый датчик.
Всего наилучшего! | | | | Deltauiuapq (Invitato)
| | Здравствуйте!
Произошла ошибка a7 на приводе M300-01200017A. Аналогичные приборы ATV61WU22N4U, 3G3RV-B211K, SJ200-015NFU установленные на вентиляции без неисправностей.
Объяснение нашел через рамблер по запросу "Ремонт компрессоров в Санкт-Петербурге." prom-electric.ru/articles/3/1325/ . Вышел из строя IGBT-module.
Успехов! | | | | Deltaawtqaq (Invitato)
| | RS-485 interface has open-circuit and fail-safe biasing. 130 Designing RS-485 Links and Networks R4 protect the receiver and ensure that the input remains biased even if the wires short together. In a network, only the two end nodes have termination resistor R5, but each node has its own set of resistors R1—R4. This termination reduces the noise margin because R3 and R4 each drop a few tenths of a volt. If the network has fewer than 32 unit loads, you can increase the noise margin slightly by reducing the values of R1—R4. Multiply each value by half the total number of unit loads in the network. To calculate the resistor values in ohms, use: R1 = NumberOfUnitLoads * 1100 R2 = R1 R3 = NumberOfUnitLoads * 55 R4 = R3 For example, with just two unit-load nodes, R1 and R2 would be 2.2k and R3 and R4 would be 110 Q. Biasing Receiver Outputs On some half-duplex lines, including those with one control signal for the driver and receiver enable, the receiver is disabled at times, causing the receiver’s TTL output to be undefined. To ensure that the output remains high, add a 10k pull-up resistor from the output to +5V. You don’t need the pull up if the output connects to a microcontroller pin with an internal pull up or if the receiver drives an input to a MAX232 or other RS-232 interface chip with internal pull ups. Cable Types TIA-485-A doesn’t recommend a specific cable type, but twisted-pair cable is inexpensive and performs well in RS-485 circuits. A twisted pair consists of two insulated conductors that spiral around each other in a double helix Figure 7-12 . The pairs typically have one or two twists per inch. Catalogs may list this type of cable as network cable or alarm wire. In a twisted pair, much of the noise that couples into the wires cancels out. Another option is triaxial cable, which is like coaxial cable except with two conductors rather than one surrounded by a shield. Triaxial cable is expensive, however, compared to twisted pair. Thus, here is guideline prom-electric.ru |
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questa pagina non vuole essere pretenziosa, non vuole dare consigli medici, terapici o di diete da seguire.
E' solo il frutto di ricerche personali,
E' solo un modo per farti conoscere un' altra esperienza.
Per i consigli medici ci sono i dottori.
Usa il contenuto di queste pagine solo come uno strumento di confronto, per sapere che tu, o un tuo parente celiaco... avete una amica in più.
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Soprattutto per chi, come me, si trova ad affrontare la celiachia gia da grande, è facile cadere nella tentazione e dire:
"Fino a ieri l' ho mangiato e non mi ha fatto mai male, sicuramente lo posso mangiare"
Oppure è facile dire " Va beh! per una volta si può fare un' eccezione oggi lo mangio"
Nulla di più sbagliato:
prima di tutto perchè in italia l' unico obbligo che c' è per le aziende è scrivere che nell' alimento potrebbero essere presenti tracce di un allergene , senza dare mai la piena sicurezza.
Nel dubbio è sempre bene rifarsi al prontuario dei prodotti per celiaci.
Esiste una versione online , gratuita da scaricare sul link sotto riportato, oppure si può richiedere direttamente alla AIC associazione italiana celiaci.
Non fate mai di testa vostra .
E' dura dura dura.... ve lo dice una golosa che in gravidanza ha tartassato i centralini della Ferrero, della Perugina e di un sacco di altre aziende prima di scoprire questo utilissimo strumento
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